We all aim to do something better in our life and to be a better person. Our ambitions keep changing as we grow up. When we were children, the ambition for most of us were to have some happiness only . But as we grew up, we started aiming for various other things including more money, more happiness, more attention from everyone, more success etc.
Everything is normal and right. But it starts going wrong when slowly but surely we start losing the courage of confessing the real truths and facts related to our life. It’s one types of time, when you know that what you think is extremely wrong but still you can’t help going with your own thoughts.
And since you keep the process of misunderstanding the real truths of life continued, at a later time, slowly but surely you forget about what is actually life is all about and then you start chasing the wrong things. That is exactly what’s happening with most of us.
In today’s article, you will discover 10 harsh truths about life that everyone must accept. I know that you’re a good person. But still I request you to read this. Who knows, maybe in your way of reading this, you’re going to know or feel something that you have never felt before.

So, if you’re interested, then continue reading to the end.
10 Harsh Truths To Accept To Become A better person
1. You’re the author of your own life
You’re the author of your own life and this is the same for all of us. However, for the most part we forget about this. We mostly complain others for anything bad happening in our life. We are not always ready to take the responsibilities as well.
Even though, in our whole life we become influenced by different types of people around us, but at the end we have only ourselves. And from my perspective, that is actually a good thing since you’re going to be the ruler of your own life.
But when you become the ruler of your life, make sure you don’t only rule it and take the advantage of not having anyone to control you, but you also care about your life and love it as well and carry all the responsibilities yourself.
2. There is no way of getting rid of criticism
It hurts when you find people speaking in your back or just speaking something about you that you have never done. Even it also becomes impossible to tolerate them when you know that you never deserve this. It makes you angry and you tend to harm those people. At a time, you try your level best to stop them but at the end you will be stopped by yourself and that is actually the fact.
Most of us spend our valuable times and efforts in trying to stop others from slandering us. But at a time we feel tired because this is impossible. When you are afraid of haters, you need to remember that even the most famous people in the world also have haters. If someone is speaking in your back continuously, then you need to consider that this is their job and the only thing you can do is to not care about them and go forward with your life.
3. Your words are more important than your thoughts to inspire others
People say that our best power is our mind and our thoughts. But, I guess our words are sometimes even more important than our thoughts when it comes to inspiring other people.
To give you an example, maybe you know someone who is frustrated and having zero inspirations. Now maybe you know that the person can do better but you didn’t say anything about this. Guess what, your thoughts or feelings became just useless or had no impact.
On the other hand, maybe you have nothing special to do for someone but at least you can inspire the person with your words.
So, if you have any positive thoughts, then never hide this. Maybe it can have a better impact on others that you can’t even expect.
Also Read: How to get motivated : 10 best tips and tricks
4. Nothing lasts forever and that’s a actually a good thing
We all have something special in our life that we love the most. And sometimes we get obsessed with the things a lot, that we just can’t think of living without them. But you will have to know that everything changes and the situation or moment you have today won’t be the same always. And that’s actually a good thing because at every different stage of your life, there will be always something that you enjoy or you will learn or will find interesting. So without those changes you could imagine your life to be boring.
5. Your material wealth won’t make you happy
As we grow up, the society teaches us different wrong things and this is actually one of them. You see, we’re mostly taught that the more money you have, the more happier you can be. The more luxury you have, then more peaceful your life becomes. The more success you have, the more good friends you will have. But are these things really true always?
Well, your money or your luxury may bring the outside happiness but it will never bring you the inner peace that you will need the most in your life. If you have a plenty of accomplishments in your life, then maybe you can have a big circle of friends but you should know that they will never be real.
Living in this society, it may become a little arduous for you to accept this but believe me, not being able to accept this will only make you having pains at a time in your life.
6. Life isn’t fair to anyone and it won’t be
We always want our life to become easy, fair and think that maybe the main happiness exists in getting whatever we want but it doesn’t.
Moreover, mostly we call ourselves unlucky when we have a look of the beautiful and nice pictures of other people. It makes us feel envious, disappointed and sad about the current life we have. But, the fact is you never know if they’re really happy or not. You never know what is happening behind the scenes.
Life isn’t fair to anyone and it’s actually not a hash truth to accept. Because when you accept that then life becomes more peaceful.
7. We all never have the same situations
This is one of the biggest problems of the humans like us that we always expect others to have the same situations like us. And our this wrong assumption enlarges our ego and creates misunderstanding with others.
We always presume that if we don’t have any problem, then maybe the problem doesn’t exist. That’s why, when someone talks about a problem, we don’t always feel them in that way.
Just like this, when we become in a danger, we think that the other person should save us. But do you ever know that if the person has a problem too?
We all have different situations, different problems, different feelings and you must admit this if you would like to be a better person.
8. No one wants to have a person who doesn’t love themselves
Nowadays, it has become too tough for us to love ourselves. You can say easily that you love yourself. But do you really love yourself? I know this is challenging. Since, as we grow up, the society and everyone teaches us that we all should only learn compromising and if you think about yourself, then you must be a selfish.
Well, I don’t know what you think about this but I disagree. Compromising is obviously a big part of our life, but when you make others smile, you need to make sure that you’re smiling too.
If you don’t know how to love yourself, then you will never know that how to love others properly. If you think bad about yourself, then you can never expect others to respect you. In a word, everything starts from you. So learn to love yourself to become a better person.
9. The person who is most likely to kill you is you
When it comes to being in a problem in our life, then frequently we tend to blame others. But have you ever noticed that every problem you have in your life is somehow connected to yourself? Let me give you some examples.
Is any addiction killing you? Well, this is noteworthy that addictions never come automatically. Are you disappointed with negative people? Why have you kept them in your life or why do you care? Is your bad past killing you? Well, I guess you’re not strong enough to let your past go. Do you regret for any disease you have? Well, there is nothing to regret but if the disease is so dangerous, then I will suggest you to live the time you have in your hand.
Trust me you can change your life if you wish. Just like this, killing yourself can be sometimes done by you too. And to be a better person you must accept the truth.
10. There will be some ways in your life that you will have to take by yourself
As a human, I know that it’s never easy to live a life or a single moment without the support of anyone. As we grow up, we get unlimited loves and cares from our family members. Our friends and other relatives add an extra value to our life. Through this process, we easily get accustomed with having people caring about us always. Eventually, we can never even imagine having no one to boost us.
But, the fact is if you want to survive the life, you need to be prepared for those toughest situations . Bad days don’t last forever but bad days come in our life. There will be some situations in your life when the decision you take will only feel good to you but might feel rubbish to others. Eventually there will be no one to bolster you and if your luck will be too bad, you may not also get your family beside you at that moment.
There are many examples are being like this in the history of the world where people faced these situations but they didn’t lose hope and they’re being at a greater position now. That’s all I want to say. So, always have the courage to face those situations and accept this truth to become a better person.
11. You always have more than you think
As we grow up, we used to start growing a wrong mindset about having blessings. We think that if we have accomplishment, success and anything we want, maybe that is the time when we’re going to have enough. But, as we continue to grow this mentality, one day comes when we forget to stay thankful for what we have.
Unless, you are a very wise person, almost all of us belong to the same category. But do you ever know that there is always a group of people who just wish and cry for the things you have in normal in your day to day life?
You never get to know about them and you won’t know. However, everything will make sense one day when you will start losing all the things you have today.
So, accept this truth to become a better person and learn to stay thankful with the things and people you have in your life when it’s time. Otherwise it may become necessary for you to regret in future.
12. No one is really too busy – they just don’t care about you
Busyness has become one of the biggest struggles of the humans in the world today. Everyone is busy now. So, you must compromise sometimes and you need to consider this for your favorite people.
But, what if you’re calling someone consistently and they’re not caring about you anyway and always saying that you’re busy. Well, every situation for everyone is different though, but I can’t help saying that maybe the person doesn’t care and to become a better person and to live a better life, you must accept this truth
Because, when one cares, then he/she will do the same compromise sometimes that you do for them. So, if they’re avoiding you consistently, then the better thing you can do is to not disturb them anymore.
13. Donating money does less than donating times
By this point, I meant 2 things particularly. Firstly, time is more important than money. In this world, where you can buy almost anything with money, there time is one of those things that you can never purchase with anything in this world.
Secondly, it’s important to give time to your family. To illustrate, in many families, parents give foods and different costly materials to their children but they never give them a plenty of time. Then guess what, when the children grow up, then they either consider money as the most valuable thing or they just complain on their parents and make their parents compelled to regret.
Considering all these, you should never compromise the power of time with anything in the world.
14. Your talent means nothing without consistent effort and practice
What is talent? Is it something that we take our birth with?? Well, for some people like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton , the answer is ‘yes’. But, when you think about talents, then you should know that you’re not going to be any of those people always. Even those very talented people also had to work hard to become memorable.
That’s why, every time you think about talents, I want you to remember that only 5% of your success may depend on your talents. But the other 95% depends only on your hard work and strategies you have.
15. Now is the only time that matters the most
I am saying this because sometimes we just avoid the value of the present. Most of us either care about their pasts a lot and some people just live in the future always.
Even though, it’s better to have a future planning or caring about the future, but you also need to be present at the moment since everything going to be happened in your future depends on what you do now.
And your past will only become your burden. We can’t change our past but it’s also difficult to move forward with this. I guess, when you’re climbing a big hill like your life, then leaving the burdens behind may become helpful.
16. Not everybody really cares about the problems in your life
Believe or not, but that’s the truth. Even though, there will be always some people around you like your parents and other family members who will inspire you always, but for most of the people they will only pretend to help.
Because, you never know what the other person thinks about you. If you’re one of those people, who always keep seeking help, then you should know that some people may show you sympathy but they actually never care that much.
That’s why, I want you to learn to solve your problems by yourself. There is nothing wrong in seeking help though, but trying first by yourself is always the best step you can ever take.
17. It’s not what happens, it’s how you react to them
Every little occurrence brings a new reaction on our face and also a new thought in our mind. We think that maybe the occurrences used to have the biggest impacts on us. But, we are wrong. The main impact depends on how we react to them.
For instance, maybe you have done an awesome performance on the thing you were passionate about and it’s obviously going to make you sunshiny. But, now if you will be so happy and if it makes you think that you don’t need to work before this anymore, then you will know that what’s going to be happened next.
Just like this, you can also change any negative situation with a positive insight towards it. So, always be careful about your reactions and insights about every little situations in your life.
18. Losing some favorite people can actually have a good impact in your life
I know it definitely hurts when you lose some of your favorite friends or other buddies or when you find them leaving you behind or cutting you from their life. It’s like an intolerable pain. Everything feels so disappointing around us sometimes, we start feeling worthless and start questioning our existence and worth.
Surviving those situations can be extremely challenging but I want you to remember that everything is completely okay. You can’t stop your life. So, when you loose your favorite people, then you cry and wake up start moving forward with your life again, then it actually makes you stronger. Even it’s also feasible that some of them were not even good for you.
So, learn to accept the truth if you want to be stronger want to become a better person.
19. It will never be the right time
In this society, you will find tons of people talking about the right time always. They say that “everything will come in your life at the right time”, “you will achieve everything when it’s the right time”, “You will have to wait for the right time to start” and many other things like this.
I just want to ask you a question. When they say anything about the right time, do you ever want to know that what they actually mean by ‘the right time? Well, I am quite sure that you don’t.
I am not blaming someone but this is how the society and people around us create a fixed mindset within us about the right time. When you keep waiting for the right time, it kills your motivation, purpose and surrounds you within your comfort zone.
The fact is it will never be the right time. Sometimes, you will have to wait. But it means keeping patience only. It never means waiting for the right time and thinking when it will come!
20. Sometimes it’s okay to act like a heartless person
By the term of ‘acting like a heartless person’, I actually didn’t mean being cruel sometimes or something like this. I just want to say that sometimes it’s okay to use your heart less and considering things with your brain.
You see, all the humans in the world have emotions and this is something we value a lot. So, we tend to consider everything with our emotions for most of the time.
But, there will be some situations in your life when using your emotions will only harm you. Then you will have to take every decision with your brain otherwise you will fail. Controlling emotions isn’t easy always. So you must be prepared for this.
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My final thoughts: I am quite sure that this is not the first time you're listening about these facts or truths that will never change. Even not only you and me, almost everyone of us knows about these truths but still sadness, misery and disappointment in the human life are increasing crazily. Even though, everyone has different problems for sure, but not being able to accept the truths is a great problem too. In this article, I have tried my best to elaborate every point as much as possible so that everything can seem clear to you. I hope after reading this article, it's going to be even a little easier for you to accept these harsh truths and accepting these will make your life nicer too. ☺
That’s all for today’s article. Don’t forget to leave a comment about your thoughts regarding this post.
Question for you: Is there any other harsh truths are being that one should accept to become a better person but we’ve forgotten to list them here? If yes, then what are they?
Let me know the answer in the comment below!
Finally, if you liked this article, then don’t forget to share it with others who can find it useful or interesting too. Your one share will make my day!
I absolutely love this. Life is beautiful, but the fact is that it’s also hard. When we accept and embrace that and realize that not everything will always be perfect, we can begin to make positive changes in our lives.
You are so right! These are not always easy to hear and even harder to accept, but it’s so true!
I love this! So many hard truths to accept. Accepting that there will always be criticism and also rude people has been the hardest for me to accept!
Yes, these are all things we must accept and live our lives the best we can. This is a good starter list- there are so many more, beyond these 10, that could be added. You should post a sequel!
Such an amazing ideas to be a good person. Thanks for sharing
Nothing lasting forever is actually a good thing. Especially when you can adopt that mindset while going through tough times!
Number 3 resonated with me. It reminds me to only speak positive things and even then after thinking about what I’m going to say.
I hate when people talk behind my back, especially if I thought they would never do such a thing. Of course, if they talk about others TO you, they’re probably talking about you too. That’s just the way it goes.
Your post is so deep. I never expected such serious thoughts on a blog. Loved every point but rooting for no 6. The earlier one accepts life is not fair, the faster one progresses in life.
These can be tough realities. Honestly it took me a while to realize some of these in my life. It is good to focus on ourselves and not waste our lives.
Trying and becoming to be better people can be hard for some but it’s a tough reality we must all face. Those are some great points and thought-provoking as well.
Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !
That first one! My daughter never takes responsibility for anything. She always blames it on someone else rather than her own choices.
Not everyone looks at life the same way. Each person should deal with situations in their life that is the most healthy for their circumstances.
I will have to keep these in mind. I am always striving to be a better person.
This post was so impactful; I actually teared up a little! But in a good way! Yes, these words are hard to hear, but they couldn’t be more true and needed to be shared and understood. Thank you so much for the great message!
I’m loving all of these. It sure can be hard to try being a better person for some for sure.
I think I’ve learned most of these with age. I’m not sure I agree with the “No one is really too busy – they just don’t care about you.” I believe there are times when people genuinely do not have the time to spare. I remember when we first had our baby. I had very little time for even me! Now if it’s a repetitive thing or there is no other circumstance, then maybe that person is not meant to be in your life.
These are all things that I need to learn to accept and to remember. My family and friends need to hear this.
These advice are so wise. I will definitely become better with your tips.
I can agree with most of these and even with the ones that I don’t completely agree with there are bits of it that still ring true! Accountability is always paramount in self growth.
These are all great points to think about in our lives. And I think a lot of these are learned over the years, as I think we become more aware of these realities.
These are amazing tips to help you be this amazing person. I do agree that no one is that busy to discover some time to spare. Sometime this person does not want to be in your life.
So true! But life isn’t perfect. You just have to embrace what you have and live life to the fullest.
Yes! This is the best post I have read in a while and so very true. I know many people in my life that cannot take any type of input or what they see as criticism so therefore they never change and there are no improvements in their life. I also consider some of them to be toxic….